Posts filed under: Uncategorized

The Effects of Meditation on the Endocrine System

Excess amounts of Epinephrine (Adrenaline) have Bio-responses as well to fear (which is the major contributor to stress), physical exertion, it produces higher levels of alertness, and increase heart rate,...

WTF is Thai Yoga Therapeutics Anyway?

Sawadee ka! That means Hello in Thai Language. It’s one of the 10 words I remember from my 3 months of Living and studying in Thailand back in 2016. If......

Thai Therapy for Chronic Pain

Have you been experiencing Chronic Pain with no Relief?Have you been told by most Practitioners that there’s nothing they can do or that you need to seek more Intrusive Techniques......

Realign The Divine

Do you Love Yoga, Reiki and Energy Clearing or want to learn more about it? Have you ever wondered how to truly sit with yourself and Meditate Fully? Have you......

Living The Life in my own special “Oily” way!

Growing up on a farm in Kent Ohio with Native American, Russian and German Grandparents I was taught to live and feed off the Earth. Choosing Whole fresh Foods to......

Lotus Mudra Therapeutics Grand Opening

Do you or Someone important to you suffer from Chronic Pain. I do, And It can be crippling on some days! Did you know that there are specific therapeutic trigger......